FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  PALOMINOS         0 0 7 0   7
  TITANS           3 6 9 0   15
Summary: QB Matt Schaub and the Titans survived 3 interceptions and a devastating string
  on injuries to win the game without scoring a touchdown. The Palominos could
  only muster 68 total yards in the air. Titans kicker David Akers had 5 FG's which
  proved to be enough for the win. Titans improved their record to 6-1.    
  Palominos     Titans                
PASS ORTON 27-11-98-1-0 SCHAUB 36-18-303-3-0  
RUSH FAULK 11-51-0 WOLFE 17-85-0-0  
REC WALLACE 7-62-0 THOMAS 8-114-0  
Injuries: None   Duration CHOICE   2 GMS    
      WHITE   2 GMS    
      MORENO   3 GMS    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  BARRACUDAS       0 3 3 7   13
  HARRIERS           14 10 7 3   34
Summary: Harriers used their air superiority to keep the Barracudas under water. The  
  Birds' WR DeSean Jackson grabbed seven passes for 143 yards and three TD's.
  The Harriers also rolled up 173 yds on the ground against a baffled 'Cudas def.
  New arrival TE Tony Scheffler had 5 receptions - Zero turnovers for Harriers O.
  Barracudas     Harriers                
PASS EDWARDS 24-12-124-2-0 BREES 29-18-248-0-4  
RUSH BUSH 16-95-0 JONES 12-103-0-0  
REC FASANO 3-40-0 JACKSON 7-143-3  
Injuries: None   Duration None   Duration    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  HAMMERHEADS       0 7 6 7   20
  PITBULLS           7 3 7 0   17
Summary: Pitbulls QB Ben Rothlesberger connected with TE Kellen Winslow 14 times, but
  Hammerhead SS Gerald Sensenbaugh finally got in front of a Winslow intended
  pass in the 4th qtr. for a drive stopping interception. Tom Brady and RB Steve
  Jackson controlled the ball for the Hammerheads.          
  Hammerheads     Pitbulls                
PASS BRADY 25-12-178-0-2 ROTHLSBRGR 40-25-307-1-2  
RUSH JACKSON 16-137-0-0 GORE 26-72-0-2  
REC GATES 7-114-1 WINSLOW 14-144-2  
Injuries: WILLIS   1 GM None   Duration    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  JACKALS           10 9 10 0 0 29
  PACHYDERMS       0 21 0 8 3 32
Summary: The Pach takes a thriller from the Jax as Joe Nedney's long FG in the 2nd OT  
  period wins it. The 'Derms made a two point conversion to send the game into
  overtime. The Jax are licking their wounds after their 2nd double overtime loss
  of the season. Nedney missed a 25 yd. Chip shot in the 1st OT.      
  Jackals     Pachyderms                
PASS McNABB 26-12-134-0-2 KOLB 54-29-458-3-3  
RUSH McGAHEE 45-232-0-0 JOHNSON 29-129-1-0  
REC AUSTIN 5-45-0 McFADDEN 13-250-2  
Injuries: None   Duration None   Duration    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  EASYRIDERS         7 3 7 0 0 17
  WIZARDS           3 0 0 14 3 20
Summary: Wizards QB Philip Rivers hits newly acquired WR Antonio Bryant for 45 yds to
  start TD drive inside two minute warning. TE Heath Miller nabs 2 yd. TD pass on
  last play in regulation to tie the game. Wizards win the coin toss, kick FG to win
  the game, foiling the Easyriders upset bid.            
  Easyriders     Wizards                
PASS PALMER 27-12-128-3-1 RIVERS 41-24-321-1-1  
RUSH MENDENHLL 18-137-0-0 JACKSON 30-156-1-1  
REC MARSHALL 9-88-0 WARD 14-104-0  
Injuries: None   Duration None   Duration