FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  TITANS           3 14 10 6   33
  PITBULLS           7 3 7 7   24
Summary: The Pitbulls were eyeing an opportunity to bite the Titans, but lost star QB Ben
  Rothlesberger midway through the game. Big Ben was one of the few bright
  spots in a disappointing season for the dogs. The Pitbulls head coach said backup
  QB Kerry Collins would be starting the next two games. Titans impove to 12-2.
  Titans     Pitbulls                
PASS SCHAUB 30-20-274-1-4 ROTHLSBRGR 12-8-100-0-1  
RUSH WESTBROOK 16-82-0-0 GORE 17-62-0-0  
REC WHITE 10-203-4 WINSLOW 5-126-2  
Injuries: None   Duration ROTHLSBRGR   2 GMS    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  EASYRIDERS         10 7 0 14   31
  JACKALS           10 6 14 0   30
Summary: The Easyriders win a battle for respectabilty in the North Division, as fourth  
  quarter turnovers jinx the Jackals. The 'Riders held the Jax to 97 yards in the air,
  but allowed Willis McGahee to romp for 305 rushing. WR Brandon Marshall had
  5 receptions for 188 yards and a TD for the Easyriders.          
  Easyriders     Jackals                
PASS PALMER 28-11-147-1-3 MCNABB 13-6-74-0-0  
RUSH MENDNHALL 14-24-0-0 MCGAHEE 41-305-3-2  
REC MARSHALL 5-188-1 OLSEN 4-56-0  
Injuries: None   Duration WARREN   1 GM    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  HARRIERS           0 6 7 21   34
  PACHYDERMS       14 0 10 7   31
Summary: When the Pachyderm coaching staff decided the game was safely in hand, they
  pulled their defensive starters and opened the door for a furious Harriers come-
  back. The 4th quarter charge featured the recovery of an onsides kick. Pach RB
  Chris Johnson fumbled four times.                
  Harriers     Pachyderms                
PASS BREES 36-13-230-1-3 HILL 15-10-134-1-2  
RUSH BUCKHLTER 12-63-0-1 JOHNSON 48-303-1-4  
REC JACKSON 4-127-2 WITTEN 4-47-1  
Injuries: None   Duration None   Duration    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  HAMMERHEADS       0 14 0 7   21
  BARRACUDAS       7 10 10 3   30
Summary: The Barracudas continue to improve by using their penetrating ground game
  to beat the sharks in "Fish Bowl II." The 'Cudas took advantage of three  
  Hammerhead fumbles in the second half. The 'Cudas grind out an astounding
  289 yards on the ground on 56 carries with no fumbles.        
  Hammerheads     Barracudas                
PASS BRADY 32-19-256-0-3 EDWARDS 23-11-161-0-1  
RUSH MOORE 24-123-0-0 BUSH  19-107-0-0  
REC GATES 14-185-3 HOLMES 5-51-0  
Injuries: WOODY   2 GMS BUSH   2 GMS    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  PALOMINOS         0 3 10 0   13
  WIZARDS           14 14 14 7   49
Summary: The Wizards atone for the loss the Ponys handed them in Week 4, big time. QB
  Philip Rivers had the hot hand, completing 17 of 25 passes. The game ball was
  presented to Wizards running back Fred Jackson, who caught three TD passes,
  and rushed for two TD's. Pals are still in contention in the South Division.  
  Palominos     Wizards                
PASS ORTON 25-13-133-1-0 RIVERS 25-17-256-0-3  
RUSH FAULK 14-46-0-1 McCOY 14-111-1-0  
REC FAULK 4-33-0 WARD 6-57-0