FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  HARRIERS           0 0 7 7   14
  JACKALS           7 3 0 10   20
Summary: The Jax defense holds the birds scoreless in the first half. Chad Pennington
  left the game with an apparent shoulder injury, but newly acquired QB Donovan
  McNabb filled in admirably. The Jax picked off Drew Brees three times.  
  Harriers     Jackals                
PASS BREES 40-17-194-3-1 McNABB 19-9-224-0-1  
RUSH BUCKHALTR 12-62-1-0 McGAHEE 34-122-1-0  
REC JACKSON 6-73-0 OLSEN 4-106-1  
Injuries: GREEN   1 GM PENNINGTON   2 GMS    
      BROWN   1 GM    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  EASYRIDERS         3 3 13 3   22
  PITBULLS           7 0 7 21   35
Summary: The Pitbulls win on the road by staying in the air. Kellen Winslow nabs eleven
  Rothlesberger passses for 137 yards and two TD's. Easyriders MLB Barret Ruud
  left the game early after re-agrivating his high ankle sprain.  
  Easyriders     Pitbulls                
PASS PALMER 34-15-257-2-1 ROTHLSBRGR 28-18-289-1-3  
RUSH MENDENHLL 22-64-1-1 GORE 26-154-1-0  
REC MARSHALL 8-164-1 WINSLOW 11-137-2  
Injuries: RUUD   1 GM None   Duration    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  BARRACUDAS       14 7 10 0   31
  PALOMINOS         0 7 0 0   7
Summary: The Barracudas put the bite on the Palominos to earn their first victory of the
  season. The defense picked off "Pals QB Kyle Orton three times. MLB E. J.  
  Henderson returned an INT 61 yards for a TD. The 'Cudas also had a punt return
  for a TD. The 'Cudas acquired 'Pals QB Trent Edwards in a trade.       
  Barracudas     Palominos                
PASS BROHM 23-18-170-1-2 ORTON 43-25-295-3-1  
RUSH BARBER 16-44-0-0 FAULK 29-98-0-0  
REC HOLMES 10-104-2 DAVIS 16-151-1  
Injuries: None   Duration None   Duration    
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  PACHYDERMS       6 7 8 0   21
  WIZARDS           7 7 10 7   31
Summary: Even though the Wizards had their FS O.J. Atogwe spying on Pach RB Chris  
  Johnson the whole game, he still managed to scamper for 226 yards on 21 totes.
  The 'Wiz slowed down the Pach passing attack just enough for the win.  
  Pachyderms     Wizards                
PASS KOLB 38-20-176-1-1 RIVERS 30-19-212-0-3  
RUSH JOHNSON 21-226-1-1 JACKSON 18-155-1-0  
REC McFADDEN 9-67-1 WARD 8-109-0  
Injuries: VOLMER   1 GM None   Duration    
  JACKSON   1 GM          
FINAL             1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
  HAMMERHEADS       0 3 7 10   20
  TITANS           13 13 0 7   33
Summary: Titans' RB Michael Westbrook goes down early, but backup Tashard Choice  
  fills in and rambles for 117 yrads on 18 carries and three TD's. Titans head  
  coach said the fish "Put up a good fight."  
  Hammerheads     Titans                
PASS BRADY 36-19-186-2-1 SCHAUB 25-15-253-1-1  
RUSH JACKSON 31-143-1-2 CHOICE 18-117-3-0  
REC GATES 8-66-0 MOSS 9-143-1