by goomba
This Week - 1 HAMMERHEADS  5 - 0   Previous 2
The Hammerheads keep their undeafeated streak intact, as they swim past the Easyriders.
The win came at a price though, as the Fish lost both of their starting tackles in the game.
Word from the head coack indicates they will make changes along the "D" line for the 
upcoming tilt against the 'Cudas and they remain confident they can keep the streak alive.
This Week - 2 PITBULLS  4 - 1   Previous 1
Big Ben throws 2 picks, one going the other way for a pick 6 as the 'Bulls taste defeat
for the 1st time this young season. Not helping matters were a leaky "O"line that allowed
7 sacks. Never the less, they still looked formidable, as the offense was still able to put up
31 points in a shootout.          
This Week - 3 BARRACUDAS  3 - 2   Previous 3
The 'Cudas take a step backwards in the stands falling to the Titans. QB still remains
a major question as Kitna throws for only 140 yards on a paltry 43.75 complition rate.
The ground game continues to grind on though and racks up 262 yards. If the 'Cudas plan
to be around for the post season, they must find a way to get it done through the air.
This Week - 4 WIZARDS 3 - 2 Previous 4
The Wizards get things back on track by knocking off last weeks previous #1 seed,
and the previously undefeated Pibulls. They are the #1 scoring offense in the league,
and when they get help from the "D", they prove to be a tough out.    
This Week - 5 JACKALS 2 - 3 Previous 5
The Jakals take a hard loss to the previously winless Pachyderms, but they did manage
to hold the league's second highest scoring team to just 21 points. They also out-rushed
the 'Derms in the loss. But, the negatives proved to be too much to over come, as Vick had
another horrible game, and the offense in general was ineffective.    
This Week - 6 HARRIERS 2 - 3 Previous 7
The Harriers score their 1st victory since week 1. The Brees-to-Jackson connection comes 
to life for the Birds in the form of 3 TD's and 192 yards. But, the story here is the "D".
The 3-3-5 sceme deployed held Orton to just 13 completions on 31 attempts. While Blount did
manage to rumble for 165 yards, the damage was minimal as they were able to hold the 
Ponies to just 10 points.          
This Week - 7 PALOMINOS 2 - 3 Previous 6
The Ponies have a tough time in suffering their 3rd loss of the season, getting burned by
the deadly Brees to Jackson combo. Blount did have a good day in the loss getting off for
165 yards, but Orton is going to need to play better if the Ponies plan on making a push
for the play-offs            
This Week - 8 TITANS 2 - 3 Previous 10
The Titans scored their second victory in a row, and 2nd of the season against the'Cudas.
After 3 close loses against the top teams, the Titans are serving notice to the rest of the 
that their season is far from over. We can expect to se them in contention the rest of the
way if they can put together a string of victories and play as well as they have the past 2
This Week - 9 PACHYDERMS 1 - 4 Previous 9
The 'Derms earn their 1st win of the season as their ground assult finally pays off. The key
to this contest seemed to be that the Pach had an answer for Vick, limiting the one time 
Derm to just 12 completions on the day, and under 10 yards rushing. A remarkable
feat for a "D" that boast no 5's or 6's in its entire unit.      
This Week - 10 EASYRIDERS 1 - 4 Previous 8
The 'Riders faced an uphill battle all day as they faced the 2nd ranked team on the board.
Brady and company prove to be too much for them to handle. But they did put up
a fight and almost pulled out a victory courtesy of 2 onsides kicks when the Fish thought
they had the game in the bag. The Riders need to find second gear to stay out of the
basement and keep the season alive.